County Leagues
Play football in Nottinghamshire and join a local league
Nottinghamshire leagues offer opportunities for teams to play football in a range of formats for players of all ages, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, ability or disability, or faith.
We understand the importance of local leagues and are proud to support them in their role of providing a safe and structured environment for competition. Teams playing in affiliated adult leagues also have the opportunity to enter Nottinghamshire FA's County Cup competitions.
Please find information on the following leagues in the county below:
Adult Men's Saturday & Sunday Leagues
Youth Leagues
Women's Leagues
Disability Leagues
Futsal Leagues
Walking Football Leagues
35 years +
Simon Harris
Colin Burgess
Simon Roberts
Roger Richardson
Steve Gray
Martin Beardsley
Robert Harwood
Juniors and Open Age
Gresham Park
Every third Sunday of the month (between September - May)