Joshua Warwick National FA Rising Star of the Year
Nottinghamshire FA are proud to announce Rossoneri FC’s coach Joshua Warwick didn’t just win a County FA recognition award but also a National FA award for Rising Star of the Year.
Joshua’s first story starts as an 18 year old coach, in October 2021. Becoming aware of a medical emergency unfolding on an adjacent pitch, Joshua immediately assisted with CPR using an available AED. Despite the 18 year old player remaining unconscious and other questioning the value of continuing, Joshua maintained resuscitation. Without question Joshua helped save a young life despite being the same age as the player.
Additionally as a 19 year old youth worker, Joshua recognised a lack of opportunity for older teenagers in deprived areas of Nottingham for playing organised football, Joshua changed this by setting up an under 18 team with Rossoneri FC. Without charging subs, Joshua is now creating a family, building resilience and helping disadvantaged youngsters to flourish.
Joshua – we are proud to have you as part of the Nottingham Football Community.